PCA Committee Volunteer Submission

Please fill out all required sections to be considered for volunteer service on a PCA committee or subcommittee. In order to be eligible to serve, you must be a retail or associate member in good standing for the past three years and have attended the trade show the past 2 out of three years or four out of the last five. If you are a new member with less than three years, you may be eligible if you have also attended or exhibited at the trade show each year of your membership.

Type of Member(Required)
Please select the committee you would like to apply for(Required)
Please select a second committee you would like to apply for if your first committee choice isn't available
Please provide a statement on why you would like to serve on this committee or subcommittee, what you would like to accomplish as part of your work, and the value this particular committee can offer to the PCA membership and the premium industry at large. You may use the space below or attach a Word or PDF file.
Max. file size: 100 MB.