This election cycle featured two tobacco tax increases and a minimum wage increase. All three of these measures passed. The specifics are outlined below: 

Florida Minimum Wage

Voters in Florida raised its minimum wage to $15 an hour by steps through 2026 — becoming the eighth state to adopts such legislation. The Sunshine State’s Amendment 2 increases minimum wage from $8.56 to $10 per hour starting Sept. 30, 2021, then raises it $1 each year until 2026.

Oregon Measure 108

Measure 108 increased taxes on distributors of tobacco products and other nicotine delivery systems, such as e-cigarettes. 

It increases the taxes at the following rates:

  1. cigarette tax at 16.65 cents per cigarette, which was an increase from $1.33 to $3.33 per 20-pack of cigarettes; 
  2. e-cigarettes and other nicotine inhalants at a rate of 65% of the wholesale sales price; and 
  3. cigar tax cap of 65% of the wholesale sales price, not to exceed $1.00 per cigar, an increase from $0.50.

Measure 108 allocated tax revenue to the administration and enforcement of the tax and the Oregon Health Authority for medical and healthcare-assistance programs, including mental health services, tribal health providers, including Urban Indian Health Program, and other programs concerning tobacco and nicotine health issues.

Colorado Proposition EE

This measure increases cigarette taxes and tobacco product taxes and creates a new tax on nicotine products such as e-cigarettes. Under the measure, revenues are to be dedicated to various health and education programs. 

This ballot measure does the following:

  1. To increase the statutory per cigarette tax from one cent to 6.5 cents until July 1, 2024, then to 8 cents until July 1, 2027, and thereafter to 10 cents; 
  2. To increase the statutory tobacco products tax from 20% of the manufacturer’s list price (MLP) to 30% of MLP until July 1, 2024, then to 36% of MLP until July 1, 2027, and to 42% thereafter of MLP for tobacco products; 
  3. To create a tax on nicotine products that is equal to 50% of MLP until July 1, 2024, then 56% of MLP until July 1, 2027, and thereafter 62% of MLP, which is the same tax as the total tax levied on tobacco products, including the tax from Amendment 35, with the increase; and 
  4. To establish a tax rate for cigarettes, tobacco products, and nicotine products that are modified risk tobacco products approved by the United States department of health and human services that is 50% of the statutory tax rate.