The Premium Cigar Association (PCA) is dedicated to brick-and-mortar premium tobacconists’ current and future success. Advocacy on behalf of premium retailers, manufacturers, and partners in the industry is what we do daily, and your membership and support have helped fund this fight. Here is a look at this year’s state victories.
50 cents tax cap, passed the Idaho Senate 25-8; passed House 60-10; Signed by the Governor.
North Dakota
Allowing for cigar lounges, passed the House 64-26; passed the Senate 25-22; Signed by the Governor.
35 cents tax cap, passed the Senate 40-10; passed the House 70-28; Signed by the Governor.
Tax exemption for trade show samples (In New Orleans), passed the Louisiana House 95-2, and referred to the Louisiana Senate Revenue Committee.
* Local Authority legislation failed to advance in: New Mexico and Rhode Island.
* Tax increases failed in: New Mexico, Tennessee, New York and West Virginia.
* Generational smoking bans failed to advance in: California and Hawaii.
* Flavor ban legislation has failed to advance in: Texas, New York, Washington, Vermont, Indiana, Minnesota, Connecticut, New Mexico.
* Statewide smoking restrictions failed to advance in: Pennsylvania and Mississippi.
* Tax exemption for premium cigars preserved in: New Hampshire.
* OTP sales tax collection at time of sale: Passed in Wyoming.
* Employment discrimination against smokers bill: Defeated in West Virginia.
* Resort cigar bar bill: Passed in West Virginia.
* Preemption against new local tobacco regulations: Passed in South Carolina.
Want to continue to support our efforts? Here are two ways you can make an impact:
- Attend PCA23. Attending the PCA’s annual trade show helps fund our legislative fight each year. It allows you to network with others working in the premium tobacco industry. This year’s trade show will be in Las Vegas from July 7-11, 2023. Click here to register.
- Donate to the Advocacy Fund. The PCA works hard daily to defend, protect and grow the premium tobacco industry. The PCA’s efforts impact the local, state, and federal levels as we push back on the threat of increased taxes, smoking bans, and other business-killing policies. You can support these efforts by donating today to the PCA Industry Defense Fund. Click here to contribute now.