The Premium Cigar Association representing 3,000+ retail tobacconists, 30,000 employees, 250+ premium cigar manufactures, and millions of consumers express support for the Pandemic Risk Insurance Act (H.R. 7011) introduced by Rep. Carolyn Maloney.
H.R. 7011 is an important bill that helps protect events hosted by PCA members around the country as well as events hosted by our association itself. PCA strongly believes we need to create the Pandemic Risk Insurance Program, a system of shared public and private compensation for business interruption losses resulting from future pandemics or public health emergencies.
The losses suffered by the retail sector and the hundreds of events that were cancelled in recent months due to COVID-19 affirms the need for this important program. This legislation is important towards small businesses economic recovery and certainty in times of public health crises. We look forward to working with Congress to advance this legislation and hope to be helpful in anyway as the process continues. We are adding this bill to our blueprint to COVID-19 recovery for the premium cigar industry and will encourage our allies to support this bill.