Tell us about the Louisville Thoroughbred Society.
Oliver De La Garza, LTS Cigar Manager: The Louisville Thoroughbred Society is a private, members-only social club that offers exceptional and exclusive social experiences for a diverse and eclectic group of members. Our club provides a full suite of offerings, including premium cigars, pari-mutuel wagering, exclusive events, top-tier libations, chef-created culinary experiences, on-site sports betting, and world-class service. Members have the opportunity to mingle with Louisville’s current and future movers and shakers in a gorgeous and luxurious environment, creating a unique and vibrant social hub.
How many cigar brands do you carry? How do you curate your selections?
At the Louisville Thoroughbred Society, we pride ourselves on our extensive and carefully curated cigar collection. We carry over 200 brands, offering a wide range of cigars from renowned manufacturers around the world. Our selection process is meticulous and involves considering member preferences, market trends, and the expertise of our in-house cigar connoisseurs. We strive to provide a diverse assortment that caters to both seasoned aficionados and newcomers, ensuring that every member finds something to enjoy. Our collection includes rare and exclusive cigars that are often hard to find, adding to the unique experience of being a member of our club.
Assuming you have a cigar lounge, how is that configured, and can you describe the design?
Our cigar lounge is a luxurious haven designed for relaxation and enjoyment. Keeping the original building’s history preserved, our cigar lounge features Spanish oak interiors, providing a warm and inviting atmosphere. We offer individual cigar lockers, allowing members to store their personal collections in a secure and climate-controlled environment. The seating is arranged to foster both intimate conversations and larger social gatherings, with plush chairs and sofas strategically placed for comfort and convenience. The design is a blend of classic elegance and modern amenities, ensuring that members can enjoy their cigars in style and comfort.
When and why did the Society start offering cigars?
The Louisville Thoroughbred Society began offering cigars when we first opened our doors in 2021. The decision to include cigars as a central part of our offerings was driven by our desire to create a comprehensive and sophisticated social experience for our members. We recognized the timeless appeal of premium cigars and their ability to enhance social interactions, making them a perfect complement to our other offerings. By incorporating a top-tier cigar selection, we aimed to cater to the refined tastes of our members and establish the club as a premier destination for cigar enthusiasts in Louisville.
Why join the PCA? What do you hope to get out of your PCA membership?
Joining the Premium Cigar Association (PCA) aligns with our commitment to excellence and our passion for cigars. The PCA offers invaluable resources, industry insights, and a network of like-minded professionals that we believe will enhance our club’s offerings and operations. Through our PCA membership, we hope to stay at the forefront of industry trends, gain access to exclusive products, and participate in events that celebrate and promote the cigar culture. Additionally, we see this membership as an opportunity to advocate for the rights and interests of premium cigar enthusiasts, ensuring that the culture and tradition of cigar smoking continue to thrive.
– Photography courtesy of Louisville Thoroughbred Society.
This story first appeared in PCA The Magazine, Volume 3, 2024. To receive a copy of this magazine, you must be a current PCA member. Join or renew today at