When it comes to premium cigars, the word “legendary” isn’t thrown around lightly. But Principle Cigars’ latest release, Boy Band Vol. 1: Legendary, truly earns its name. This special project brings together five titans of the premium cigar world—each a master blender with decades of experience crafting some of the most sought-after cigars on the market.

The Dream Team of Blending
Imagine enjoying a cigar crafted by the best in the business. Now, imagine that experience multiplied by five. That’s precisely what Boy Band Vol. 1: Legendary delivers. Here’s the all-star lineup behind this release:

  • Jose ‘Jochy’ Blanco
  • Ernesto Perez-Carrillo
  • Eladio Diaz
  • Hendrik ‘Henkie’ Kelner
  • Manuel ‘Manolo’ Quesada

For cigar enthusiasts, these names are akin to a “who’s who” of the cigar hall of fame. And for those newer to the cigar world, think of these figures as the all-star lineup of the 1927 Yankees—a reference made by Darren Cioffi, founder of Principle Cigars, to emphasize the once-in-a-lifetime nature of this collaboration.

Inspired by Nina Simone
Every great premium cigar has a story, and Boy Band Vol. 1 is no exception. The concept centers around one of the most iconic albums of all time: Nina Simone’s I Put A Spell On You (1965). Each master blender was tasked with creating a 6 x 50 cigar inspired by the timeless music of this album. Beyond the size requirement, there were no rules. This freedom allowed each blender to infuse their interpretation of Simone’s soulful melodies and powerful lyrics into their creation.

The result? A collection of five distinct cigars, each representing the artistry and individuality of its creator. Whether you’re a long-time aficionado or someone discovering premium cigars for the first time, this is a rare opportunity to experience the minds of these legendary blenders through their work.

Packaging That Sings
As with any Principle Cigars release, Boy Band Vol. 1: Legendary packaging is as innovative as the cigars themselves. Inspired by mid-1960s design, the aesthetic pays homage to the era of Nina Simone’s album. Each cigar features a uniform band but comes with a footband that bears the first name of its creator. It’s a nod to the “boy band” concept, where each member’s individuality shines within the group.

Limited Availability
This release represents a unique chance for retailers to offer cigar-smoking customers something truly special. With only 5,000 five-packs produced globally—and just 2,000 available in the U.S.—Boy Band Vol. 1 is exclusive and will be an anticipated release among cigar enthusiasts. Each five-pack includes one cigar from each blender, providing a curated tasting experience.

Here are the product details:

  • Size: 6” x 50
  • Origin: Dominican Republic
  • Factories: Tabacalera Palma, Casa Carrillo, Tabacalera Díaz Cabrera, Kelner Boutique Factory, Tabacos de Exportación
  • MSRP: $80 per five-pack ($40 wholesale)

Why This Matters for Retailers
Retailers who cater to premium cigar enthusiasts understand the importance of exclusivity and storytelling. Boy Band Vol. 1 delivers both in spades. With its groundbreaking collaboration, inspired concept, and limited availability, this release will surely generate buzz and drive foot traffic.

Whether your customers are seasoned collectors or curious newcomers, Boy Band Vol. 1 uniquely connects them with the artistry and passion of the cigar world’s greatest names. Stocking this collection isn’t just about selling cigars; it’s about offering an experience.

Don’t Miss Your Chance
For more information about Boy Band Vol. 1: Legendary and to secure your inventory, visit PrincipleCigars.com. This is one release your customers will thank you for—and one they’ll talk about for years to come.