Federal Advocacy

The PCA’s Federal Affairs Team represents the interests of retail tobacconists and their suppliers on Capitol Hill regarding issues concerning their businesses. PCA actively tracks federal legislative activity, monitors regulatory practices related to the industry, educates Members of Congress, fights for small businesses, and vigorously engages in the process to reduce burdens on retail tobacconists. The objective of the federal affairs team is to foster a political climate conducive to the production, marketing, sale, and enjoyment of premium tobacco products in the United States.

Federal Legislative Team

Joshua Habursky

Executive Director
(202) 849-6045

Federal News & Regulations

Global Trade Alert

Global Trade Alert

[Update – October 3, 2024] Joint Statement Regarding Master Contract: “The International Longshoremen’s...

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Take Action

Endorsement for the Combating Organized Retail Crime Act

In the 2023 National Retail Security Survey by NRF, nearly two-thirds of retailers’ shrink is attributed to internal and external theft. Even more alarming is the fact that 67% of retailers reported a surge in violence and aggression linked to Organized Retail Crime compared to the previous year. These incidents jeopardize the safety of employees and customers and contribute to a substantial shrink, causing the retail industry a loss of over $112 billion in 2022.

Oppose the CARE for Moms Act and its Tobacco Tax Equity Provision

We need your help in opposing a massive tax increase that has been proposed in the CARE for Moms Act H.R.5568/S. 2846. PCA has been actively engaged in opposing the CARE for Moms Act, introduced September 19, 2023, specifically its Tobacco Tax Equity provision. This provision has been introduced in the past and has faced rejection each time, and we believe it is vital that we continue our efforts to ensure it does not become law.

Support the REINS Act and rein in rogue federal agencies!

The “Executive in Need of Scrutiny Act of 2023” (REINS Act) would require that Congress approve any new federal regulation that the Office of Management and Budget finds to have an economic impact of $100 million or more before it is imposed on the American people. The law would keep elected officials accountable for policy making, and create a check on unelected bureaucrats driving political agendas.

This act specifically targets “major rules”–regulations that have a substantial impact on the economy, consumer costs, or competition. Under this proposed legislation, federal agencies would be required to provide economic studies that analyze how the proposed regulations would affect the U.S. economy, jobs, and businesses.

Support Credit Card Fairness

As you may know, the credit card industry is currently dominated by a small number of major networks, which have significant market power and can dictate the terms of their agreements with merchants. This has led to high swipe fees and limited competition, which can be particularly challenging for small businesses with limited resources.

Oppose Tobacco Tax Equity

We need your help in opposing a massive tax increase that has been introduced in Congress. PCA has been actively engaged in opposing tobacco tax equity for years, with this rendition introduced September 26, 2023. This bill has been introduced in the past and has faced rejection each time, and we believe it is vital that we continue our efforts to ensure it does not become law.

Contact PCA

For information about Federal Advocacy or the Premium Cigar PAC, please contact Joshua Habursky at joshua@premiumcigars.org.

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