PCA’s Commitment to International Engagement

The Premium Cigar Association (PCA) is committed to defending and promoting premium cigar and pipe tobacco retailers and manufacturers around the world. Although the word “International” was removed from the Association’s name, efforts to protect all of our members...

PayPal is a ‘TOS’ Up on Premium Cigar Sales

Private companies putting up barriers is the new frontier for anti-tobacco rules. Big business wants to control what you can and cannot sell, they want to control what products are suggested to you and influence the decisions you make in your daily lives. With...

Coalition Calls For Defeat of Prop. 31

In August of 2020 the State of California passed SB 793, prohibiting the sale of all flavored tobacco products and the Governor proceeded to sign it into law on August 28, 2020. Three days later this law was challenged using the state’s veto referendum mechanism...