Drew Estate has launched the Liga Privada Unico Serie Papas Bravas in Europe. This full-bodied cigar has a distinctive pigtail cap and is carefully crafted with a Connecticut Broadleaf Osuro wrapper, a Brazilian Mata Fina binder, and Honduran and Nicaraguan filler tobacco. 

Jonathan Drew, founder and president of Drew Estate, refers to Liga Privada Unico Serie Papas Bravas as “bangers” due to the tendency to smoke them down to the point of burning your fingers. According to the company, you can expect notes of licorice, black pepper, sweet spice, and a traditional tobacco aroma from this full-bodied smoke. 

Liga Privada Unico Serie Papas Bravas is available in two sizes: 5 x 54 and 6 x 52. It is available at select European retailers.

You can learn more about Drew Estate and its products by visiting drewestate.com