The Premium Cigar Association (PCA) extended its appreciation and recognition this week to the members of the Augusta, Georgia Commission that approved a new cigar bar ordinance, allowing for establishments where discerning adults can gather to enjoy premium handmade cigars, once again.

Under the leadership of Augusta City Commissioner Jordon Johnson, and 8-2 vote advanced the measure in the spirit of assisting local small businesses. The success of cigar bars in Atlanta was cited as such an example.

Glynn Loope, Director of State Advocacy for the PCA stated, “This positive action in Augusta sets a great example for what’s possible in communities throughout America. In cities like Louisville, Kentucky where a similar proposal is currently being debated, this vote in Augusta sends a profound message: Let small businesses flourish, and let adults make their own decisions.”

PCA has called Commissioner Johnson offering its support for the city implementation of the ordinance, and commending his leadership on this cigar bar ordinance.