Over the last decade, the premium cigar and pipe industry’s engagement in legislative affairs has risen exponentially. Giving testimony at hearings, engaging with elected officials, and attending city council or state capitol hearings have now become commonplace for America’s community tobacconists.
Some, however, are taking their involvement to another level – they’re seeking public office. PCA members, manufacturers, and retailers alike have been elected to public office. Noted manufacturers Jose Oliva served as Speaker of the House in the Florida legislature, Nick Perdomo served on Miami Lakes city council and as vice mayor, and retail shop owners Todd Johnson as a North Carolina state senator, and Patrick Lucas as member of the West Virginia House of Delegates come to mind.
Now, PCA associate member Mike Pike of De Moines, Iowa, has now received “the calling.” He is his party nominee for the Iowa State Senate. Mike is the owner of PK Smoke Free Suites, offering customized smoking rooms for cigar enthusiasts. For his campaign, he states, “My immediate goal is to win. My ultimate goal is to fight and win battles for the State of Iowa.” You can learn more about Mike and his campaign at https://pikeforsenate.com/ and more about PK Smoke Free Suites at https://pkrooms.com/
This year, community tobacconists have sought office from Nebraska to Georgia. It’s a telling commentary on the political evolution of the premium tobacco community that small business owners are not just voting, testifying, and advocating—they are telling the story in the seats that make decisions.