COVID-19 has impacted nearly all facets of the premium cigar world from our association including retailers, manufacturers, and consumers. PCA will continue to advocate on your behalf during this difficult time and is working tirelessly to seek economic relief measures with Congress and the Administration. PCA’s President John Anderson sent a letter on behalf of the association advocating for payroll tax credits and Small Business Administration (SBA) expanded disaster loans while voicing opposition to the Family Medical Leave Expansion, which would place an additional burden on your small businesses.

In addition to our advocacy, PCA recommends members continuously monitor your state and local health departments as well as federal updates as it relates to this pandemic. Many retailers have chosen to close operations for two (2) weeks entirely. In addition, the Center for Disease Control (CDC) recommends refraining from hosting 50+ people events for eight (8) weeks. PCA will be adhering to those recommendations and encourages PCA retail members to do the same.

Many of you have already reached out about resources to ease the economic burden. You can find many informational resources at the Center for Disease Control (CDC) and Small Business Administration (SBA) websites. PCA will continue to send out informational alerts and host telecommunications forums as information develops. If you have a specific question about the federal response to the coronavirus, please contact Joshua Habursky, Director of Federal Affairs, at