As a retailer in the premium cigar industry, you understand the value of visiting a cigar factory or field in person to see how the products you sell are made. The annual Procigar Festival, highlighting the cigar culture and industry within the Dominican Republic, is an event you simply can’t afford to miss.

Procigar 2025 | Dominican Republic

From February 16 to 21, 2025, the Dominican Republic will host the Procigar Festival, bringing together industry experts, enthusiasts, and retailers like you to celebrate the rich tradition and unmatched quality of Dominican Premium Cigars.

A Unique Opportunity to Connect and Learn
The Procigar Festival is more than just a quick excursion to the Dominican Republic—it’s an opportunity to deepen your knowledge and network with some of the best professionals and brands in the business. This festival kicks off on the stunning southeast coast. It continues to the heart of the Dominican cigar industry in Santiago De Los Caballeros, known as the world’s cigar capital.

You’ll have the chance to tour some of the most iconic cigar factories, gaining exclusive insights into the meticulous process of crafting premium cigars. From planting tobacco seeds to the final product, you’ll see firsthand the dedication that goes into each cigar.

Engage with Industry Leaders
What sets the Procigar Festival apart is the access it provides to the industry’s top minds. You’ll learn about the latest innovations in tobacco cultivation, fermentation, and cigar blending through educational seminars, factory and field visits, and exclusive tastings. These sessions, led by renowned master blenders, will give you a deeper understanding of the art and science behind premium cigar production.

Unforgettable Social Events
Beyond the learning experiences, the Procigar Festival offers a number of social events where you can connect with fellow retailers, manufacturers, and cigar aficionados from around the world. From the iconic White Party to the festive Gala and Auction night, these gatherings provide the perfect backdrop to build relationships and share experiences in a relaxed and welcoming atmosphere.

Mark Your Calendar
The Procigar Festival 2025 promises to be an unforgettable experience filled with valuable insights and unparalleled networking opportunities. Whether you’re looking to enhance your product offerings, build connections, or immerse yourself in the rich culture of Dominican cigars, this event is a must-attend. Remember to mark February 16-21, 2025, on your calendar, and stay tuned for registration details.

Visit for more information and secure your spot at the most anticipated cigar event of the year.