Since announcing the state grant program in late 2023, the Premium Cigar Association (PCA) has accepted three grant applications submitted by state associations in Maryland, New York, and Virginia, funding key advocacy and lobbying initiatives ranging from tax caps to cigar bar legislation. The association has accepted applications from all states that have submitted so far and is still accepting applications on a rolling basis. 

“This is a good start for this new program, and we remain hopeful to receive applications from the Midwest, South, and West Coast to reflect regional diversity to fortify our advocacy capacity throughout the country,” said Joshua Habursky, Head of Government Affairs for the Premium Cigar Association. 

The PCA anticipates convening nearly a dozen state association meetings at this year’s trade show and will continue to launch a variety of grassroots action alerts. The association also intends to expand its government affairs team by hiring a new director of government affairs to bolster capacity at both the state and federal levels, working with Joshua Habursky and Glynn Loope. 

“We want to maintain our leadership role in association advocacy supporting the business of specialty tobacco retailing,” said Scott Pearce, PCA executive director. “The state grant program and expansion of the government affairs team is a reflection on the entire organization’s growth, success, and financial stability. The membership and trade association team deserve a lot of credit for making these initiatives possible,” said Pearce.

To apply for a state advocacy grant visit: