PCA has hired Maria Cervantes as program manager. Maria will oversee the fulfillment of larger organizational goals for the association and coordinate projects that involve multiple departments. She will also manage schedules to ensure successful completion of PCA initiatives. Let’s get to know her:
Is this your first job in the cigar industry?
I was employed at a local cigar shop and lounge part-time during the weekends and weekday evenings, in addition to my full-time day job.
That experience sparked an insatiable passion within me. My father, who introduced me to my first cigar, significantly cultivated my interest in cigars. He taught me to appreciate them as part of my Cuban heritage. Outside of family, being part of the cigar community has instilled a profound sense of belonging and camaraderie. The sense of kinship and shared passion for cigars has enriched my life immeasurably.
Where did you grow up?
I grew up in the suburbs of Northern Virginia, Fairfax County.
What do you like to do in your spare time when not thinking cigars?
My leisure time is spent fostering personal relationships with family and friends, frequenting local coffee and cigar shops, and expanding my knowledge through reading and new experiences.
What’s your favorite cigar moment?
All my favorite moments involving cigars have one thing in common: smoking them outdoors during warm weather. The experience becomes even more enjoyable with great company, music playing in the background and delicious food cooking on the grill.
What are the three apps on your phone you can’t live without?
There are two distinct apps that cater to my learning and entertainment needs. The first is Spotify, giving me access to a diverse range of podcasts and music. And the second is Today in History, which enables me to indulge in my passion for historical knowledge.
This story first appeared in PCA The Magazine, Volume 4, 2023. To receive a copy of this magazine, you must be a current member of PCA