[Washington, DC, April 12, 2022] On March 10, Wyoming State Representative Chuck Gray as a member of the legislature’s Joint Revenue Committee, made a request that an analysis for a premium cigar tax cap be incorporated into the committee’s annual work plan, as the legislature may consider a tax cap in the next legislative session.

Representative Gray invited Donovan Short as owner of Casper Cigar Company and Glynn Loope, PCA director of state advocacy to provide testimony to the committee in support of the study.

From dozens of requests for studies that were considered, this week PCA and Wyoming’s premium cigar shops were notified that the premium cigar tax cap analysis had been approved by the Wyoming legislature’s Joint Revenue Committee. The analysis will begin with an initial hearing on April 28.

“This is an important step in gaining traction for a tax cap in Wyoming and a model that can be used in other states that are considering such a legislative proposal,” says Scott Pearce Executive Director of PCA. PCA will work to continue to provide testimony and information to advance tax cap legislation in the states and will be monitoring the outcome in Wyoming in particular.