Quality Importers is now shipping the single and triple-capacity Cigar Caddy Cigar Tubes, initially introduced at this year’s Premium Cigar Association (PCA) trade show. The Cigar Caddy Cigar Rubes provide cigar enthusiasts with a portable and stylish way to carry and transport their cigars. In addition to protecting the cigars while traveling, the Cigar Caddy Cigar Tubes also ensure the cigars within remain fresh and undamaged.

The Cigar Caddy Cigar Tubes have several features that appeal to cigar enthusiasts. The tube’s textured finish prevents scuffs and scratches and makes it easy to grip. The Cigar Caddy Cigar Tube is made from black ABS, making it weatherproof and crushproof. The secure lid ensures a tight seal and protects contents from exposure to the elements, physical damage, and other travel hazards.

Each Cigar Caddy Cigar Tube holds cigars with a ring gauge of up to 60-ring gauge in diameter and up to 8 inches long. The tube is also adjustable with four telescopic stops: 6.5 inches, 7 inches, 7.5 inches, and 8 inches. The Cigar Caddy Cigar Tube is available in a 1-cigar capacity with a suggested retail price of $2.99 and a 3-cigar capacity with a suggested retail price of $6.99.

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