As we anticipate the 2025 state legislative sessions, the Premium Cigar Association (PCA) is steadfast in its commitment to advocate for and protect the rights of premium cigar retailers across the nation. While we foresee continued vigilance and concerted efforts on federal issues, state-level policies will be front and center in shaping the premium cigar landscape. Below is our regional outlook on legislative and regulatory challenges, along with the PCA’s strategic priorities to safeguard our industry. 

Northeast Region


Anticipated Flavor Ban and Tax Proposals

Maine legislators have signaled interest in a flavor ban and potential tax increases. The PCA is prepared to engage with local stakeholders and policymakers, emphasizing that premium cigars are a distinct product category enjoyed only by adults. 

New York

Tax Cap, Cigar Bar, Flavor Ban, and Tax

New York remains a critical battleground for premium cigar regulation. Our primary goals include a cigar tax cap, cigar bar legislation, and countering looming proposals such as a broader flavor ban. PCA will continue to build coalitions among retailers and cigar enthusiasts to ensure that premium cigars are not lumped in with mass-market tobacco products.

New Jersey

Tax Cap Planning

The PCA is working closely with allied retailers and policymakers to introduce a fair tax cap that protects premium cigar businesses from excessive financial burdens. As momentum for a cigar tax cap grows, PCA’s governmental affairs team will provide the technical expertise and grassroots support needed for a successful outcome.


Generational Ban and Tax

Massachusetts could introduce a far-reaching “generational ban” that aims to phase out tobacco sales for certain age groups. An example of this would be, if passed, only those who were born before January 1, 2007, would be able to purchase tobacco products. The PCA is wary of any measure that fails to differentiate premium cigars from other tobacco products. In tandem, we anticipate new tax proposals targeting cigars. Our advocacy strategy focuses on educating lawmakers about the artisanal nature of premium cigars and the importance of preserving adult consumer choice, while putting small businesses first. 

Rhode Island

Local Authority

Recent conversations about granting more regulatory power to local jurisdictions present concerns for premium cigar retailers. The PCA advocates for a unified, state-level approach to avoid a confusing patchwork of rules that could threaten business stability.


Flavor Ban

Although previous flavor ban bills advanced in the legislature, the effort was stopped with a gubernatorial veto. Our advocacy will emphasize that flavor bans disproportionately impact small business owners and adult consumers who appreciate these products responsibly.



Delaware retailers and the PCA will again encourage the submission of legislation to reduce the tax level on premium cigars. The PCA will ensure that any proposed tax measures consider the unique economic impact on premium cigar shops.


Cigar Bar

A potential cigar bar bill is being considered in Maryland. This legislation would allow cigar lounges to apply to sell both cigars and alcohol in the same establishment. The PCA’s team stands ready to collaborate with interested parties to ensure safe and responsible adult spaces for premium cigar enjoyment.

Southern Region


Tax Cap

Virginia’s lawmakers are considering policies that would cap OTP on premium cigars. The PCA supports this measure to offer predictability for retailers and ensure competitiveness for local businesses.

North Carolina

Local Authority (Prohibition)

We remain watchful for proposals that would prevent local governments from enacting restrictions stronger than that of the state. The PCA’s efforts focus on preserving a consistent regulatory framework that treats premium cigars fairly while respecting adult consumer freedoms.


Tax Cap Planning

Georgia’s early discussions on establishing a tax cap for premium cigars need support in the legislature. Our advocacy will highlight the positive economic contributions of premium cigar retailers and underscore how a tax cap can assist Georgia small businesses.

Midwest Region


Anti-Tobacco Package; Cigar Bar Planning

Michigan’s comprehensive anti-tobacco package could introduce restrictive measures for premium cigars. We also see an opportunity to plan legislation allowing for adult-only cigar bars. The PCA remains deeply engaged with local stakeholders to ensure the strongest pro- business environment possible in Michigan. 

Detroit: Airport Cigar Bar Proposal

The PCA fully endorses Detroit’s exploration of a premium cigar bar inside the airport. If successful, this initiative will set a positive precedent for other municipalities, and other airports, considering similar concepts.

Wisconsin and Ohio 

PCA anticipates legislation in Wisconsin and Ohio that would allow for new cigar lounges with mixed-beverage licenses. Following in the steps of states such as North Dakota and Connecticut, we are pleased to support these new opportunities for state small businesses.


Tax Cap

We are encouraged by discussions of establishing a tax cap specifically for premium cigars. We will bolster this effort through stakeholder relations, and on the ground actions with state legislators. 


Possible Generational Smoking Ban Introduction

Indiana may follow in the footsteps of states considering a “generational smoking ban.” The PCA will vigorously oppose efforts that fail to account for premium cigars’ unique characteristics and the longstanding tradition of only adult enjoyment.


Local Authority

Missouri faces proposals to expand local authority over tobacco regulations, while at the same time, we anticipate legislation that would prevent ordinances stronger than that of the state. The PCA remains firm in advocating for uniform, state-level guidelines that clearly distinguish premium cigars from other tobacco products.


Tax Cap Planning

We anticipate Nebraska’s efforts to establish a reasonable tax cap. The PCA is prepared to contribute data and expertise to ensure equitable treatment for brick-and-mortar businesses.

Western Region


Tax Cap Planning

Wyoming’s consideration of a tax cap signals potential relief for specialty retailers, and the patrons of these Wyoming local small businesses.


Tax Ceiling Bill

Colorado may revisit tax ceiling legislation. PCA’s advocacy aims to protect small businesses from punitive taxes while working closely with legislative champions to differentiate premium cigars from other tobacco products.


Local Authority and Flavor Ban

Oregon’s prior appetite for local authority expansions and flavor bans could intensify. PCA will continue showcasing data demonstrating that premium cigars are distinct and should not be swept up in one-size-fits-all tobacco legislation.


Unflavored Tobacco Issue

California’s complex regulatory environment remains a top concern. With calls to restrict or further regulate unflavored tobacco products, the PCA will focus on ensuring premium cigars remain accessible to adult consumers. We’ll also sustain our efforts to strengthen our coalition of retailers and enthusiasts, ensuring the voice of the premium cigar community resonates throughout the state’s legislative process.

Our Path Forward

1. Educating Lawmakers

The PCA will intensify its education efforts with legislators and regulators. We aim to highlight that premium cigars are handcrafted, artisanal products enjoyed by a discerning adult market, fundamentally different from mass-market tobacco.

2. Grassroots Advocacy

From letter-writing campaigns to in-person testimony, PCA is mobilizing its membership to tell the story of premium cigars’ cultural and economic significance. Our strength lies in the unified voice of our retailers, manufacturers, consumers, and industry allies.

3. Strategic Coalition Building

We will partner with other like-minded organizations to protect adult consumer choice and the viability of small businesses. By collaborating, we leverage diverse expertise and resources in defense of premium cigars.

4. Monitoring and Rapid Response

Legislative sessions move quickly. The PCA’s team is on standby to provide rapid responses to new bill introductions, amendments, and public hearings. We remain fully engaged in each state’s legislative process.


As we open the 2025 state legislative sessions, our industry faces a complex patchwork of policy threats, and opportunities. There is reason for optimism: opportunities exist to secure tax caps, to open new cigar lounges, and to educate officials about the unique craft of premium cigars. 

The Premium Cigar Association (PCA) stands ready to face these challenges and seize these moments, reinforcing our commitment to protecting premium cigar retailers, distributors, and consumers throughout the United States.

Stay informed, stay engaged, and rest assured that the PCA is working diligently on your behalf.

 Make your voice heard! Take Action today at

 Contributed by the Premium Cigar Association (PCA) Government Affairs team.