A new premium cigar line inspired by ancient philosophy will launch. Stoic Cigars, founded by Vance Taylor, draws inspiration from the tenets of stoicism. These cigars offer cigar enthusiasts a sophisticated smoking experience “that blends exceptional taste with mindful reflection.”

“Stoic Cigars is more than just a premium product; it’s a symbol of self-improvement and personal empowerment,” Taylor comments. “By integrating the principles of mindfulness and self-reflection with craftsmanship and culture of premium, hand-rolled cigars, we’re creating an experience that resonates with both the palate and the spirit.”

Stoic Cigars is handcrafted at Kelner Cigars Factory in Santiago, Dominican Republic. The inaugural blend, named Stoic, is limited to just 750 boxes. It will be available in four sizes: Courage, 5 x 50; Justice, 6 x 52; Wisdom, 7 x 48; and Moderation, 5 1/2 x 46. 

Klaas Kelner, president of Kelner Cigars Factory, commented on this release: “I am happy and honored that Stoic Cigars has found a home in our factory. Vance and his philosophy for the brand align perfectly with our way of crafting premium cigars. In addition to his keen business intellect and creative brand strategy, Vance’s relentless search for unique flavors and aromas have challenged us to experiment with multiple tobacco compositions to fine-tune blends that I am sure will be received with praise.”

Vance added, “Klaas is obsessed with quality, and that’s so important to me,” said Taylor, adding, “he grew up in his family’s tobacco fields and, despite his young age, knows more about tobacco – how to select it, store it, prepare it, and assemble it to create flawless cigars – than most industry veterans twice his age.”

Stoic Cigars will launch on November 16 at Summit Cigar Company in Akron, Ohio. Following this release, Stoic Cigars will be available at select retailers nationwide with a suggested retail price ranging from $10.68 to $12.88 before applicable taxes. 

For more information, you can visit stoiccigars.com.