[Washington, DC, Feb 28, 2023] The Premium Cigar Association (PCA) announced today Mary Szarmach, Sr. V.P. Governmental & External Affairs at Smoker Friendly, has been elected as the incoming secretary on the PCA Executive Committee. Her term will begin July 11, 2023 at the PCA board meeting during the annual convention and trade show.
“It is I truly an honor to be elected to the executive committee at this time at this great organization. The advocacy work PCA does is a critical element to keeping our industry alive and thriving. For the past several years, I have been the VP of External Government Relations at Smoker Friendly and I am looking forward to using my experience to help lead PCA’s advocacy work to new heights,” said Szarmach.
PCA President Greg Zimmerman praised Mary and her leadership in the industry as well as the breadth of her background of more than 30 years at Smoker Friendly. “Mary has been a great voice on the board and her insights are invaluable. Not only is she a force in our state advocacy efforts, but her knowledge and relationships with allied industries will be a tremendous asset as she takes the next step in her leadership path with PCA,” Zimmerman said.
Zimmerman also thanked the entire PCA board for their efforts and recognized the many talented members and the time they give. “This was one of the first times that I can remember we had so many who wanted to be considered for the Executive Committee,” said Zimmerman. “It’s a testament to the quality of members serving on the board, their dedication to this industry, and I think the evolution of the board to where we are today.”
Scott Pearce, PCA Executive Director
Founded in 1933, the Premium Cigar Association (PCA) is the oldest, largest, and most active trade association representing and assisting retailers, manufacturers and suppliers of premium tobacco products. PCA is a not-for-profit trade association and is recognized as the “Voice of Authority and Reason” on premium tobacco-related issues.