Today, the Premium Cigar Association (PCA) and The Cigar Academy ( announced a strategic partnership to offer comprehensive educational programs and certifications for cigar industry professionals and enthusiasts. This collaboration gives PCA members a new way to learn about the cigar industry and its processes through online modules and in-person workshops.
The Cigar Academy’s educational program has been designed and endorsed by cigar makers and professionals from the Dominican Republic, Nicaragua, Honduras, and Mexico.
Joshua Habursky, Chief Executive Officer and Executive Director of PCA, emphasized the importance of education for the cigar industry: “We firmly believe in the power of education to protect and grow the cigar industry. This partnership with The Cigar Academy will bring immense value to our retail members and our newly formed Alliance. This partnership is part of a slate of new programs and partnerships where the association works with existing stakeholders rather than reinventing the wheel.”
The Cigar Academy, co-founded by Ricardo Carioni and Thomas Gryson, is committed to delivering accessible and rigorous cigar education. “For all cigar lovers seeking authentic knowledge about the cultural heritage and artisanal traditions of the cigar world, The Cigar Academy is the ultimate source,” said Carioni. “Shared and accessible knowledge is power. Through this partnership, we aim to provide education for everyone—from cigar and non-tobacco businesses to policymakers and aficionados—while ensuring that the true cigar culture is preserved and protected from misguided regulations.”
Gryson added, “Our mission is to offer everyone direct access to knowledge and expertise through courses crafted together with those who run factories and farms of renowned cigar companies, done with precision and care. We are honored to have the endorsement of legendary cigar makers, and our goal is to lead individuals toward formal certification through their knowledge and guidance.”
The Cigar Academy’s comprehensive certification programs are designed to equip professionals with the knowledge and skills needed to excel in the premium cigar industry. From the introductory Cigars 101 course to the in-depth Level 1 Award, the Academy offers a range of programs tailored to meet the diverse needs of industry professionals. With future plans for advanced certifications, including Level 2 and Level 3 courses, the Cigar Academy is committed to providing ongoing education and training for those passionate about the world of cigars.
As part of this collaboration, our PCA retail members can access the Level 1 Award Course at an exclusive rate of $125, reflecting a 50% discount. PCA Alliance members will benefit from access to the Cigars 101 course as part of their membership at no charge, representing a $50 value. The PCA will also work with The Cigar Academy to develop an advocacy training module that will roll out in 2025. Details on PCA membership tiers, including the recently announced PCA Alliance option, can be found online at