PCA Alliance is available to premium cigar-friendly businesses such as wineries, breweries, restaurants, country golf clubs, and individual consumers who want to do their part to support those businesses that sell premium cigars and pipe tobacco products. The PCA Alliance is an avenue to support the industry’s advocacy through financial support and participation.
Note: PCA Alliance members are not eligible to attend the PCA trade show.
Alliance Membership Types
Benefits of Alliance Membership
- A one-year subscription to PCA The Magazine
- A discount on courses from The Cigar Academy
- Special briefings for industry insiders
- Access to select PCA Retailer Benefits (for Alliance Business Level)
- A free PCA Lapel pin
- A PCA Exclusive premium cigar
- Discounts on industry events and partners programs
Alliance Partner Membership Eligibility
To be eligible for membership as an Alliance member with the Premium Cigar Association (PCA), you must meet the following qualifications:
BUSINESS: A business that sells or supports premium tobacco products. This includes wineries, breweries, restaurants, and golf clubs.
INDIVIDUAL: A consumer who is passionate about premium cigars and pipe tobacco products but does not have a tobacco business from which they own or make the majority of their income.
Note: PCA Alliance members are not eligible to attend the annual PCA trade show.
For questions regarding the application process or additional assistance, please get in touch with Lisa Sigler at [email protected]
Annual Dues for Alliance Members
Annual dues for Alliance members are $250 USD per calendar year for businesses and $99 for individual consumers.
The Industry Defense Fund is not a charitable organization; therefore, any contribution to the PCA Industry Defense Fund is non-deductible for income tax purposes.