Tobacconist University (TU) is the independent academic institution that educates, certifies, and promotes retail tobacconists – since 1996. TU develops and administers online education and certification programs for tobacconists, manufacturer’s representatives, and consumers.
Discounted & Free Tobacconist University Certifications for PCA Retail Members:
– Certified Cigar Sommelier Tobacconist (CCST): one free certification for every one purchased as well as discounts for multiple certifications.
– Certified Retail Tobacconist (CRT): free CRT certifications for CCST with a $50 online exam fee.
The PCA strongly encourages our Retailer members to take advantage of this generous professional development opportunity for the advancement of their employees, not to mention their stores’ profitability!
Benefits of CRT Certification
In addition to the CRT certification, recipients also receive a host of other benefits, including:
- Lapel Pin, Diploma and other Certified Accoutrement options
- Professional Designations, CRT and CCST and Use of TU Certified Medallion
- Certified Tobacconist Listings and Promotion on TU Website and homepage
- Any person with both CRT and CCST certifications can become a CCST Maestro and certify consumers for profit!
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