PCA and the Premium Cigar Retailers Association of Maryland Successful in efforts to safely keep open Montgomery County cigar lounges.
[Rockville, Maryland, August 6, 2021] Premium Cigar Retailers and consumers alike were pleased yesterday as the Montgomery County Council implemented a process that will enable Premium Cigar lounges to safely remain open as the County again adopts an indoor mask mandate. Having endured a difficult over year and half defined by shutdown orders, capacity restrictions and mask mandates, retailers are relieved and ready to continue safely serving their customers after adoption of an amendment to the masking order that enables premium cigar stores to remain open.
The new masking order https://apps.montgomerycountymd.gov/ccllims/DownloadFilePage?FileName=10186_1_16669_Resolution_19-975_Adopted_20210805.pdf contains a letter of approval process that will enable cigar lounges to remain open while operating, like other businesses, consistent with CDC guidance.
“The collaborative work between the Premium Cigar Association (PCA) and Premium Cigar Retailers Association of Maryland (PCRAM) was instrumental in achieving this victory,” said Josh Habursky, Head of Government Affairs for the Premium Cigar Association. “We will build off this momentum as we work to ensure that all cigar lounges can remain open to safely serve their customers”.
The PCA in coordination with the PCRAM engaged Montgomery County retailers and consumers to share their concerns about the impact of a mask mandate on cigar lounge operation with the County Executive’s Administration and the County Council when it was learned that a mask mandate may be returning to Montgomery County. The amended masking order will enable cigar lounges to continue to operate while protecting public health and safety.
“We look forward to continuing to enjoy handmade cigars safely in our lounges. Thanks to the Montgomery County cigar community for speaking up and thank you to the Montgomery County Council for fairly hearing and listening to our concerns.” Exclaimed John Anderson owner of W. Curtis Draper Tobacconist in Bethesda. “We look forward to continuing to work with the County and doing out part to prevent the spread of COVID-19.”
About PCA
Founded in 1933, the Premium Cigar Association (PCA) is the oldest, largest, and most active trade association representing and assisting retailers, manufacturers and suppliers of premium tobacco products. PCA is a not-for-profit trade association and is recognized as the “Voice of Authority and Reason” on tobacco-related issues.