Washington, D.C., 10-4-2023 — Today, the Premium Cigar Association (PCA) went on record opposing the United Kingdom’s proposed generational smoking ban, asserting that it will have detrimental effects on the premium cigar industry and the cultural heritage associated with it.
The proposed generational smoking ban, which aims to prohibit individuals born after January 1, 2008, from purchasing and consuming tobacco products, fails to recognize the unique and nuanced nature of premium cigars. Premium cigars are a longstanding tradition, appreciated by connoisseurs worldwide for their craftsmanship, artistry, and the social rituals they embody. Premium cigars are often enjoyed in moderation and are associated with a culture of relaxation, celebration, and camaraderie.
Premium cigars, made from high-quality tobacco and enjoyed infrequently, pose significantly lower health risks compared to other forms of tobacco consumption. Furthermore, many premium cigar enthusiasts argue that the experience is about the tobacco itself and the craftsmanship, culture, and community surrounding it.
The proposed generational smoking ban threatens the livelihoods of businesses that specialize in premium cigars, including manufacturers, retailers, and artisanal craftsmen. It also risks eroding a cultural heritage that has been passed down through generations. The PCA urges the United Kingdom government to engage in a constructive dialogue with industry stakeholders to preserve the rich heritage associated with premium cigars.
The Premium Cigar Association calls for a reconsideration of the proposed generational smoking ban, emphasizing the unique qualities of premium cigars and the cultural traditions they represent.
To quote the great statesman Sir Winston Churchill, “To me, smoking cigars is like falling in love. First, you are attracted by its shape; you stay for its flavor, and you must always remember never, never to let the flame go out!” This quote underscores the sensory and contemplative experience associated with cigar enjoyment. It aligns with the sentiment that premium cigars are more than just a product—they are an experience to be savored and appreciated. We cannot allow this generational smoking ban to pass without a fight; Sir Winston would not have.
About the Premium Cigar Association:
The Premium Cigar Association (PCA) is a non-profit trade association representing the interests of premium cigar manufacturers, retailers, and enthusiasts. Dedicated to protecting the premium cigar industry, the PCA advocates for fair and sensible regulations that preserve the traditions and values associated with premium cigars. For more information, visit [website].