Toscano Cigars to Release Toscano Italia at PCA24

At this year’s Premium Cigar Association (PCA) trade show and convention in Las Vegas, Toscano Cigars will release the Toscano Italia, a premium cigar that’s light in strength that’s blended predominantly with Kentucky tobacco from Benevento.

The cigar’s wrapper is made of a selection of high-quality Kentucky tobacco grown in Italy that stands out due to its soft texture. These tobacco leaves are complemented by a rich filler composed of tobacco grown in the area of Benevento. This tobacco gives the cigar the aromatic and spicy features during the smoke. The filler is completed and balanced by a small portion of tropical Kentucky tobaccos, selected on the basis of the various smoking techniques that include the use of more aromatic wood during the browning process.

According to Toscano, the Toscano Italia has “good body and the taste balances sweetness with the notes of the aromatic wood.” The cigar’s large belly makes for broad and thick puffs, allowing for a sweet flavor profile.

The suggested retail price per cigar is $7 before applicable taxes. Only 500 boxes of the Toscano Italia will be released. Those retailers interested in placing an order can do so at PCA24 at the Toscano Cigars booth #8061.